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- User Since
- Nov 27 2017, 1:03 AM (376 w, 6 d)
Sep 6 2021
Sep 5 2021
Longtime has switched to Windows servers. Running on Linux appears to cause the hunchbacks. As we are not experiencing the problem any longer we don't have any interest in trying to fix it. However BIS should really try and figure out why their software runs on windows but not Linux servers. Feel free to close this ticket.
May 29 2021
Feb 24 2021
Thanks for the input Freddo. We are not running any mods at the current time. It's a vanilla server and we would like to keep it that way.
Feb 23 2021
Jul 31 2019
I think it has something to do with our configuration files. I'm crediting, rightly or wrongly, my deleting Arma3 including Arma 3 and Arma3 profiles in my documents. Then down loading arma3 and starting over. Anyway my Virtual Arsenal is working fine now.
Jul 29 2019
Mysteriously my virtual arsenal problems have disappeared. Everything seems to be working correctly. Thanks to all. This can be closed.
Jul 28 2019
After some more checking I have more information although I find it more puzzling than helpful.
Thanks for the input kajschak...very helpful and info I didn’t know either. I did know there has been a long running problem with Task Force Radio causing VAS to be grayed out. When I mouse over my virtual arsenal box I get Loadout contains non-arsenal item ‘novoice’ for loads created on one server and Loadout contains non-arsenal item ‘B_assaultpack_wdl_bwrepair_F’ for loads created on another server.
Thanks for the support celticalliance. Hope we both get better results than your forum post had. Clearly the DLC has broken something. I play Domination and thought that may have been cause but Xeno says it’s something BI has done.
Nov 29 2017
I was playing one of the single player campaigns during both reported crashes. I’ve had various crashes on the campaigns all while playing. What do you need besides the Report Log?