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User Since
Oct 27 2015, 3:28 PM (491 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 7 2016

itsab added a comment to T84758: House (Large,Abandoned) windows block grenades.

do u see the window frame between the bugwindow and the door a bit to the left(first 10sec of the video)? i can clearly see a ambient shadow on the wall. looks like the frame is just a bit off on this model.

Jun 7 2016, 8:17 AM · Arma 3

May 26 2016

itsab removed a watcher for Arma 3: itsab.
May 26 2016, 12:08 AM
itsab added a watcher for Arma 3: itsab.
May 26 2016, 12:08 AM

May 25 2016

itsab added a comment to T62030: Terrible sound immersion.

i agree, arma3 needs a sound design, volume, falloff, stereomix, dynamic.
i think you recorded real sounds and just putted them in because its a simulation game. but you forgot to tweak and design this sounds like u did with your maps and models. i think arma3 sound needs also a new balance between realistic and tolerability. in dont care what the realsim guys say, how a gun should sound like and how loud. Its a simulation and u have to make it work and enjoyable. U cant just make it as in real life, for example: you can't run thru every backyard in real life they are mostly closed, it would not make fun to play a map like this. What do you think why every garden in Altis has one broken wall and a door, no its not for the realism. 75% of ALL sounds are just annoying because they wanna be real and loud. Pls work as hard on the sound as on the look, it really matters. sound is the only thing that makes 3rd-person better than 1st-p because its less annoying. Think about your hard work on this nice maps and models and compare it to the sound. <3

May 25 2016, 10:34 PM · Arma 3
itsab added a comment to T63037: Automatic change of stance when switching to binoculars.


May 25 2016, 8:50 PM · Arma 3
itsab added a comment to T63740: Allow rifles to be equipped in both the primary and secondary slot.

+1 this would be really nice. in a lot of missions/mods u try to carry a gun to your teamm8 but u cant. weapons have a gun belt to carry, the backpack thing is much more unrealistic.

May 25 2016, 8:49 PM · Arma 3

May 24 2016

itsab updated the task description for T116750: UDP Flood - with Speedport W 921v router.
May 24 2016, 2:05 PM · Arma 3
itsab created T116750: UDP Flood - with Speedport W 921v router.
May 24 2016, 1:56 PM · Arma 3