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- User Since
- Jun 6 2015, 11:18 AM (508 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
i7Robert added a comment to T113988: 0.58 Garden Plot not Persistence !.
maybe a little bit buggy :)
i7Robert set Category to category:general on T113988: 0.58 Garden Plot not Persistence !.
i7Robert set Category to category:server on T113951: 0.58 Camp Desync.
i7Robert set Category to category:server on T113906: 0.58 Stable no Loot Respawning !.
i7Robert added a comment to T113012: 0.58 Error Message: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.scope.
it is fixed !
i7Robert set Category to category:errormessage on T113012: 0.58 Error Message: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UserActions.scope.
i7Robert set Category to category:general on T112810: 0.58 DayZ.exe Fehler in Anwendung / Memory Error.
i7Robert added a comment to T112546: 0.58 Exp Server DE 0-1 no Loot in Cherno.
close pls
i7Robert set Category to category:server on T112546: 0.58 Exp Server DE 0-1 no Loot in Cherno.
i7Robert edited Additional Information on T112532: Exp 0.58 Animation fail with the Axe in the Menu.
i7Robert set Category to category:items on T112502: 0.58 Items in the Barrel not saving.
i7Robert added a comment to T112372: 0.58 Loot explosion at Wood Buldings.
close pls
i7Robert set Category to category:items on T112372: 0.58 Loot explosion at Wood Buldings.
i7Robert added a comment to T112362: 0.58 Loot explosion at Firestations.
close pls
i7Robert set Category to category:items on T112362: 0.58 Loot explosion at Firestations.
i7Robert added a comment to T112358: NewUI doesnt work, game freezing.
will fixed in new u.i mechanics
i7Robert added a comment to T112358: NewUI doesnt work, game freezing.
close pls
i7Robert set Category to category:gamefreezes on T112358: NewUI doesnt work, game freezing.
i7Robert set Category to category:inventory on T111608: can't close tent after Server Restart.
i7Robert set Category to category:weapons on T111585: can not pick up shot arrows, "Take" doesnt work..