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User Since
May 17 2015, 6:48 AM (512 w, 3 d)

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May 11 2016

hdonald added a comment to T111059: Helicopter crash sites do not respawn loot with persistence enabled..

I didn't realize loot does not respawn if a player entity has it in their possession? It doesn't seem very rewarding that nothing useful is ever present at a heli crash due to it being in the possession of a player that could, for all anyone knows, have uninstalled the game 3 weeks ago.

Side note: These high-grade loot locations should have a high risk/reward factor and if they spawned loot more often would be highly contested. The fact that players will be fighting there would reduce the likelihood of the high-grade loot being distributed throughout the player base in large quantities.

May 11 2016, 5:40 AM · DayZ
hdonald edited Steps To Reproduce on T111059: Helicopter crash sites do not respawn loot with persistence enabled..
May 11 2016, 5:40 AM · DayZ
hdonald edited Steps To Reproduce on T111017: Spray painting gun with magazine attached deletes magazine..
May 11 2016, 5:39 AM · DayZ