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- User Since
- Mar 10 2013, 12:24 AM (617 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
gnrnr added a comment to T77648: [FIXED] lever_pilot - unknown animation source collectiveRTD for heli light class.
I'm experiencing the same issue. My model.cfg for my model has the following:
class Lever_Pilot_Increase {
type="rotation"; source="collectiveRTD"; memory = 1; animPeriod = 0; selection="Lever_pilot"; axis="lever_pilot_axis"; minValue = -0.1; maxValue = 0.1; angle0 = 0.1; angle1 = -0.1; };
The sample helo in Arma3 Tools has:
class lever_pilot: rotation
{ source = "collectiveRTD"; selection = "lever_pilot"; axis = "lever_pilot_axis"; angle0 = "rad -3"; angle1 = "rad 12"; };