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funtimeshine (Nik )


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User Since
Sep 14 2018, 4:02 PM (338 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

Sep 14 2018

funtimeshine added a comment to T132475: Guns.

I just lost a UMG45 in a tree after I dropped it to reload mags. I was unable to retrieve it. I dropped other items too and was able to recover them. I have recorded a 7 min video of me trying everything to recover item. I left server and attempted to go back in and then the game froze. Please look into dropping items near the pine trees

Sep 14 2018, 6:21 PM · DayZ Xbox
funtimeshine added a comment to T132475: Guns.

I have noticed that often, when you aim down sights (ads) the gun points off from the crosshairs. Then when you zoom in the scope follows the gun and not the crosshairs. This can be frustrating when leading in to any kind of engagement. This is usually triggered by going prone and zooming in I find.

Sep 14 2018, 6:19 PM · DayZ Xbox
funtimeshine added a comment to T132475: Guns.

I have noticed that often, when you aim down sights (ads) the gun points off from the crosshairs. Then when you zoom in the scope follows the gun and not the crosshairs. This can be frustrating when leading in to any kind of engagement. This is usually triggered by going prone and zooming in I find.

Sep 14 2018, 4:06 PM · DayZ Xbox