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I load a mag in any gun I find and fire it I see the blast or flash at the end of the barrel but no bullet. Seems like a bug don't really know. It's a hit or miss kind of thing the m4 does it the u-70 does it and ump and ak does not I play on xbox one


Operating System
Windows 7
AI Aiming / Shooting
Steps To Reproduce

Load a mag and try to fire on a zombie or player been trying to see if it's all the guns. Or just a few so far m4 u-70 are only one I found

Event Timeline

chasevaughan123456789 triaged this task as Normal priority.


I have a big to report on xbox one gt (D3 remarkat) I have the pso1 scope on my svd and when I lay down and zoom in the screen is completely blacked out please fix this would love to use the gun send I can't hold breath the only way to do it is laying down thank you very much

I have noticed that often, when you aim down sights (ads) the gun points off from the crosshairs. Then when you zoom in the scope follows the gun and not the crosshairs. This can be frustrating when leading in to any kind of engagement. This is usually triggered by going prone and zooming in I find.

I have noticed that often, when you aim down sights (ads) the gun points off from the crosshairs. Then when you zoom in the scope follows the gun and not the crosshairs. This can be frustrating when leading in to any kind of engagement. This is usually triggered by going prone and zooming in I find.

I just lost a UMG45 in a tree after I dropped it to reload mags. I was unable to retrieve it. I dropped other items too and was able to recover them. I have recorded a 7 min video of me trying everything to recover item. I left server and attempted to go back in and then the game froze. Please look into dropping items near the pine trees

Heyy Funtimeshint. and austinrayttt344921. I have both those issues. The scope being black does not have a fix atm. Ny advice would be to try to only lay down to find the enemy position and then pop up to ur knees when ready to shoot. As far as the amining glitch you have to aim in third person and then look straight up. Doing that will reset your scope.