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- User Since
- Aug 16 2019, 5:40 PM (292 w, 6 d)
Sep 18 2019
Sep 18 2019
flowtheowl changed Reproducibility from reproducibility:always to reproducibility:nottried on T144864: Blood Indicator HUD.
Aug 16 2019
Aug 16 2019
flowtheowl renamed T143562: EXP 1.05. by 16.08.2019 / Unable to access parts of a building, or entire buildings (see video attached) from Unable to access parts of a building, or entire buildings (see video attached) to EXP 1.05. by 16.08.2019 / Unable to access parts of a building, or entire buildings (see video attached).
flowtheowl updated the task description for T143562: EXP 1.05. by 16.08.2019 / Unable to access parts of a building, or entire buildings (see video attached).