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- User Since
- May 12 2013, 9:13 PM (614 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
faceshredderlivecom edited Steps To Reproduce on T72994: Civilians seem to die when I place a fireplace/campfire in the editor.
faceshredderlivecom added a comment to T66634: Huge rocks disappearing.
The exact coordinates are 047088
faceshredderlivecom added a comment to T66634: Huge rocks disappearing.
I also found out that on 048086, there is also a big rock and you can walk in it from the north side. From south (above) you are walking to a wall but when you "v" you get stuck in the rock. I've added a screenshot as proof. I found this by mistake when trying to find the coords for the original problem.
faceshredderlivecom edited Steps To Reproduce on T66634: Huge rocks disappearing.