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- User Since
- Dec 18 2016, 1:37 AM (417 w, 4 d)
Dec 18 2016
Dec 18 2016
edog1234567 added a comment to T122255: Arma 3 Launcher not displaying Steam workshop mods.
After further investigation, I was wrong, I assumed that I wasnt unsubscribed from everything due to the amount of mods I have, turns out I was randomly unsubscribed from them...
edog1234567 added a comment to T122255: Arma 3 Launcher not displaying Steam workshop mods.
Yeah I checked the workshop folder and all the files had disappeared there barring a few, namely my ACE3 Optional mods(ADR-97, RHS, Smoke, Tracers), they needed a new folder in order for them to work so I just created new ones for them following ACE3's instructions for their setup. Im not quite sure how I attach any files though, care to explain? I did clear my download cache though.