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- User Since
- Jan 6 2014, 7:25 PM (581 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
downthesun edited Additional Information on T94894: Major FPS drop since new update.
downthesun set Category to category:server on T92453: Can't view server list, can't connect to friends games at all..
downthesun added a comment to T92401: Lost all my gear, can't view any servers on server list or refresh it..
i figured out what the problem was. it doesnt really make sense to me though, but my firewall was causing servers not to show up. i have had the firewall since i started playing dayz and randomly it started blocking servers. i use bitdefender, disabling the firewall fixes server listing issue. there was no popup warning saying anything was blocked, they just stopped displaying so i leave firewalldisabled nkw. sorry for any typos im on my phone.
downthesun set Category to category:gamecrash on T92401: Lost all my gear, can't view any servers on server list or refresh it..