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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 4:31 AM (588 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
diznoid added a comment to T89436: Bleeding can cause character to permanently keep groaning in pain, even after healed. relog clears it.
It might be pain, but logging out and back in makes it go away every time. It's a bug either way.
diznoid edited Steps To Reproduce on T89436: Bleeding can cause character to permanently keep groaning in pain, even after healed. relog clears it.
diznoid set Category to category:environment on T89434: Rain suddenly turns on or off every couple minutes, rainclouds move very fast.
diznoid added a comment to T87458: Food and Drink doesn't satisfy.
You are probably exhausted or sick.