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- User Since
- Dec 4 2015, 3:18 PM (482 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
I disabled all addons and ran arma3. The game loaded perfectly.
I then added the addons one by one, starting arm 3 after each one added.
When I added "@Burnes_Challenger" I got an error message "NO ENTRY Iconfig.bin/CfgVehicles/ViewOptics.scope"
I then added another addon and started arma 3. As it came to the point of "Initialising Addons" I received an error message Addons 'Ahouses' requier CAStructures. the game loaded but with the erreor message relating to @Burnes_Challenger addon.
I loaded 4 more addons with just the above 2 errors.
I then added "Kunduz Afghanitan" map. I got the error message
I removed the "Kunduz Afghanitan" addon and deleted it, downloaded it again from steam workshop and started arma 3 again.
The results were the same so I think the "Kunduz Afghanitan" files may be corrupt.
I have included the report zip file with full details.
Kind regards