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Aug 5 2014, 1:22 PM (552 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

colinsrap added a comment to T71145: left hand control preset.

So I bought Arma 3 a couple days ago.. 90% of the time has been re-mapping controls to left-handed.

But so many RED (error?) controls; and NO INDICATION if the ones I mapped will still work or not.

But just then.... an update ruined all that work; as it re-mapped all the controls back to standard.

What fun.
Now another two days to reconfigure the controls.
How many are there? 100?
120? Who knows....

Otherwise great.
How about left-handers are not treated like second-class citizens?

May 10 2016, 5:37 AM · Arma 3