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User Since
Dec 15 2018, 4:16 AM (325 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Dec 21 2018

chupacabra89 added a comment to T133907: Menu's not displaying any letters.

Just a bit of potentially helpful info here. I was having the exact same issue as OP. Menu was blank except for server names and if i tried to join a server, my game would crash completely. after doing some process of elimination troubleshooting, I restored Windows to a fresh install but kept all my files intact. I also updated my BIOS to the latest release. I re-downloaded Steam, Re-installed the latest driver for my GTX1070 and made sure i installed every windows update package they had for me. when it came time to re-install DayZ, I instead installed it on my C drive SSD that has windows on it. Before i restored windows and i was having all these issues, DayZ had been installed on my HDD where i usually install all my games. everything runs flawlessly now. not a single crash and the UI is back to normal. Im back in Chernarus.

Dec 21 2018, 9:41 AM · DayZ

Dec 15 2018

chupacabra89 added a comment to T133907: Menu's not displaying any letters.

same exact issue here. also game will crash every time after about 3min of navigating this menu with no words

Dec 15 2018, 4:19 AM · DayZ