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- User Since
- Sep 25 2014, 11:37 AM (544 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
casshernwtf added a comment to T104634: shoes degrade too fast.
men play on the experimental. if you walk long deteriorate very fast has nothing to do climbing falling or whatever you say. play it and talk
casshernwtf added a comment to T104634: shoes degrade too fast.
nope. too fast anyway.
casshernwtf edited Steps To Reproduce on T104634: shoes degrade too fast.
casshernwtf edited Additional Information on T104050: last night we were harassed by a hacker..
casshernwtf set Category to category:items on T103788: no loot appears in military camps and Myshkino Military Camp.