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- User Since
- Sep 18 2014, 2:22 PM (548 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
andyhilton added a comment to T104965: Black Shadow When Raining.
My specs are
AMD MSI Radeon R9 290x
i5 4690k
8Gb Ram
andyhilton added a comment to T104965: Black Shadow When Raining.
Couple more screenshots added, is there a fix in sight for this issue?
is this an AMD issue?
andyhilton edited Steps To Reproduce on T104965: Black Shadow When Raining.
andyhilton added a comment to T104772: Graphics turn negative.
Thank you for the reply Andy, you say hardware issue, do you mean graphics card?
andyhilton added a comment to T104772: Graphics turn negative.
I also have this issue, are you guys running AMD too?
andyhilton added a comment to T104646: [Experimental 0.50.125214] Graphics turning to "negative" when it's raining.
I have this issue, Any fix for this?
andyhilton added a comment to T103388: Screen going really dark in places when moving around or extremely bright.
Hi I tried to upload a 4.51mb mp4 video of it happening but it says file type not allowed. have uploaded screenshots of it happening as i enter a bulding, lighter photo is me standing still then darker ones are me moving forward ever so slightly.(same thing happens out in the open) This only started after last update.
andyhilton edited Steps To Reproduce on T103388: Screen going really dark in places when moving around or extremely bright.