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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 7:18 AM (585 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
It is to my understanding that it was implemented this way, however the amount of water that you need to drink considering how much daily intake should be, while under stress of being active / sweating and such, is a little bit large, it has probably been set that way on purpose. Nothing more to add to this issue report.
After further testing with drinking, plasticcactus, you are right. But would you disagree with the amount you have to drink in order to be not thirsty being a bit ridiculous? took me roughly 10-15 drinks from a lake consecutively to quench my thirst completely.
Yes, But when you consume a Canteen, and a bottle of water, as shown in the image provided, I think it's a bit ridiculous that I'm still at "yellow" thirst.
You did open the image right? I'll blame myself for not mentioning that in the text, to be fair.
Something I also want to add on, is that in the same playing session, I died, and re-spawned, The Thirst still hadn't reset, and soon after that I began seeing the effects of dehydration.
(Mind you, the image shown, both of those canteen swigs drank, and the screenshot taken was within 30 seconds. This image was a test, not a random occurrence that I just took a screenshot of when I drank 100ml of water and expected to be 100% hydrated.)
Whenever I eat, the hunger notification disappears, However, Thirst does not.
The notifications I mean, are in the inventory, not in the bottom left corner.
But yes, I understand what you mean with the analogy and such, and was aware of the systems' intentions while I was writing the first post.