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- User Since
- Aug 30 2021, 8:53 PM (174 w, 5 d)
Aug 30 2021
Aug 30 2021
XSMarauder added a comment to T160233: Dayz CONNECTING FAILED (0x00020009) Error.
I've been having this same issue for 7 months now, I've payed for a game I cannot play at all, It just suddenly appeared out of no where, and its not my Internets fault since I can play every single other game without a problem, but for dayz it's just an issue?, I don't get it I've done everything, reinstalled, reset my router, factory reset my xbox, changed my I.P, jumped onto my mobile hot-spot only for it to corrupt, switched accounts, I play on a series X if that helps any bit, but I've been experiencing this for far long