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Jun 24 2015, 10:39 AM (503 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

Weezytrout added a comment to T112206: Anti-Dupe Algorithm - Suggestion w/ code.

Osb; I have no idea what you're talking about. But Micho you are very much correct, another thing is that I was completely geared yesterday, AUG, full ttsko and my friend and I joined a full server. Killed 6 guys, ran inside of the jail at NWAF and got shot, through the walls by a group of about 3 people. As soon as I died to that, I knew that this game is a total disaster, the developers really need to fix their shit out. I am 16 years old, I have had two years of programming experience and have created projects before similar to dayz. This is going out there publically; developers, pull your shit together, stop wasting months on training up new employees for the game; hire people that know what they are doing. In my opinion, this project is merely just a money grab to create a game so that over 30 million people would render their money wasted. FIX YOUR GAME BOHEMIA, REPLY OR ACKNOLEDGE THAT YOU READ THE COMMUNITIES FEEDBACK!

May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
Weezytrout added a comment to T112206: Anti-Dupe Algorithm - Suggestion w/ code.

Ok; well lets say that those guys aren't duping. As I said before I do know multiple ways of duping items; no matter what server

May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
Weezytrout added a comment to T112206: Anti-Dupe Algorithm - Suggestion w/ code.

I personally know three different ways of duping. Some of which require your own server; and the vehicle duplication is one of them. The reason why I knew they were duping is they all had the same clothing, they all had the same mace, weapon + attachments and clan tag. Duping in itself is an easy to figure out; simple things like a server restart not saving the characters gear thus being rolled back is a prime example.

May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
Weezytrout added a comment to T112206: Anti-Dupe Algorithm - Suggestion w/ code.

Although evident; it seems that this concept will cover the overall duping problem. Instead of fixing different dupe methods; why not use this system? It works and solves the problem down to the root instead of the branches. And with the first part, it doesn't make sense to (like said above) fix branches compared to the root; why bother?

May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
Weezytrout added a comment to T112206: Anti-Dupe Algorithm - Suggestion w/ code.

Honestly I think this system is efficient in the sense that it only needs to run maybe ever half hour. I see where you are getting too; but this is primarily for the long time dupers who have for example alternate accounts to save characters that have all these expensive items and their main which consists of that gear. However I am not saying that you need to replace the current system with this one; it's just this system is a lot more robust and is there as a secondary anti-dupe method which is always guaranteed to work. As for the item deletion; deleting both would be essential to stop people from attempting to dupe again. However that being said, items like guns and clothes could be checked every 10 - 30 minutes while food and items that are used more can have checks ever 2 - 3 minutes; although not as fast, it will stop people from mass duping food.

May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
Weezytrout edited Steps To Reproduce on T112206: Anti-Dupe Algorithm - Suggestion w/ code.
May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
Weezytrout edited Steps To Reproduce on T112205: Anti-Dupe Algorithm - Suggestion w/ code.
May 11 2016, 6:17 AM · DayZ