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- User Since
- Mar 15 2018, 6:34 PM (362 w, 6 d)
Mar 15 2018
Mar 15 2018
Viokiller added a comment to T127933: BAD_MODULE problem alllllll the f#¤%" time.
This one is not at all about your arma game files. It has to do with how the new windows 10 Game app function is coded to help potatoe computers run better. Please go into your windows 10 settings and look for the xbox integration and turn everything off thats related to the xbox function on you windows 10. Turn off Game mode, turn off background applications that use the record video while playing function. This is the worst thing Microsoft could have done to the gaming industry. They really have no reason to snub into our gaming experience. True gamers will have the hardware to play.