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- User Since
- Aug 10 2021, 10:17 PM (187 w, 1 d)
Aug 11 2021
Aug 11 2021
Uncle_Andr3w updated the task description for T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
Uncle_Andr3w added a comment to T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
I guess it has to do something with that folder for the modded servers only, so I hope the solution will be found out
Uncle_Andr3w edited Additional Information on T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
Aug 10 2021
Aug 10 2021
Uncle_Andr3w edited Additional Information on T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
Uncle_Andr3w updated the task description for T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
Uncle_Andr3w edited Additional Information on T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
Uncle_Andr3w edited Steps To Reproduce on T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
Uncle_Andr3w updated the task description for T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
Uncle_Andr3w updated the task description for T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods.
Uncle_Andr3w renamed T160191: Failed to connect to the server with mods from Failed to connetc to the serve rwith mods to Failed to connect to the server with mods.