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- User Since
- Jan 18 2014, 4:20 PM (581 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
TomNedry edited Steps To Reproduce on T77708: AddonBuilder GUI - Text cut off & font color hard to read.
TomNedry added a comment to T77602: AddonBuilder does not copy the built pbo into destination folder.
I changed to dev branch today (2014-06-23 17:47), but nothing changed. Output is still done to the temp folder. My AddonBuilder shows version "".
TomNedry added a comment to T77361: AddonBuilder error since latest release: "Build failed. Result code=1".
Sorry for the late reply => Vacation!
I uploaded the log which sums up two operations:
- "Binarize" unchecked => Build fails as before (Log line 1 - 22)
- "Binarize" checked => Build successfull (Log line 23 ff)
TomNedry edited Steps To Reproduce on T77361: AddonBuilder error since latest release: "Build failed. Result code=1".