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TenienteRipley (david)


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User Since
Sat, Mar 22, 2:31 PM (1 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Sun, Mar 23

TenienteRipley added a comment to T189983: Lack of separate helicopter gunship "fire" rockets keybind option / Suggestion for heli gunship controller setup / If using Legacy control preset, helicopter gunship "shoot" button is illogically assigned to RT, same as yaw button.

I have the same configuration for the heli on the experimental, I changed the fire to Rb and all perfect. The problem with that configuration, if you try to shoot with the LAV, you cannot do it and when you press LT to zoom in, there is a problem. The key configuration for the heli must be separated from the rest of the vehicles and not share the turret configuration to avoid the problems right now.

Sun, Mar 23, 11:54 AM · Arma Reforger Xbox

Sat, Mar 22

TenienteRipley added a comment to T189983: Lack of separate helicopter gunship "fire" rockets keybind option / Suggestion for heli gunship controller setup / If using Legacy control preset, helicopter gunship "shoot" button is illogically assigned to RT, same as yaw button.

Please, change the turret button from the heli to the rest, so the problem will be addressed, avoiding problems with other vehicles like the lav. If you change the fire to RB, for example (that's the button I want) when you go to the lav and press LT to zoom, you cannot shoot it. For example, if you change to Y, the LAV works when you press LT. It's a weird situation, and the fire button for the heli and turrets must be different and not the same to avoid this issue right now.

Sat, Mar 22, 2:36 PM · Arma Reforger Xbox