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User Details
- User Since
- Nov 27 2014, 4:57 PM (538 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
SinneDGaming set Category to category:items on T105680: Cooking Pot.
SinneDGaming set Category to category:sound on T105679: Global.
SinneDGaming edited Steps To Reproduce on T105678: Weapon Glitch.
SinneDGaming edited Steps To Reproduce on T105677: Gas Canister.
SinneDGaming added a comment to T105672: cr527 carbine magazine doesn't spawn.
I did manage to find several of them in police stations (max of like 3 overall in the past week)
They are just rare
SinneDGaming added a comment to T104499: Fireplace cooking time is ridiculous.
Don't know if you guys noticed, but it was cut down to around 5-8 minutes top with the last update