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User Details
- User Since
- May 13 2013, 7:14 PM (619 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Sgt_Vimes set Category to category:featurerequest on T82430: Any chance of underground access to mines or bunkers.
Sgt_Vimes added a comment to T82340: Marksman character is stuck in prone position when reloading marksman rifle..
Hi Adam,
You were correct. Disabled most mods and it works fine , trying to narrow down the offending mod.
Sgt_Vimes edited Steps To Reproduce on T82340: Marksman character is stuck in prone position when reloading marksman rifle..
Sgt_Vimes edited Steps To Reproduce on T76545: Using Editor AI pilots See-saw aft and stern whilst taking off..
Sgt_Vimes edited Steps To Reproduce on T66674: Clipping on small sandbags.
Sgt_Vimes added a comment to T66673: Clipping on small sandbags.
I think its been fixed in the new update (V.58)
Sgt_Vimes edited Steps To Reproduce on T66673: Clipping on small sandbags.