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Dec 17 2013, 6:15 AM (587 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

Sentry added a comment to T97125: No Servers in list despite internet tab/ ping set.

@linkin93 I have. Ive tried blank filter, au, eu ect... tried max 50 people min 5 people ect... I've refreshed and waited 10 minutes and nothing. I have no idea. It's weird because even my player os missing.

May 10 2016, 9:28 PM · DayZ
Sentry edited Steps To Reproduce on T97125: No Servers in list despite internet tab/ ping set.
May 10 2016, 9:28 PM · DayZ
Sentry added a comment to T86872: No Servers in list despite internet tab/ ping set.

@linkin93 I have. Ive tried blank filter, au, eu ect... tried max 50 people min 5 people ect... I've refreshed and waited 10 minutes and nothing. I have no idea. It's weird because even my player os missing.

May 10 2016, 3:01 PM · DayZ
Sentry edited Steps To Reproduce on T86872: No Servers in list despite internet tab/ ping set.
May 10 2016, 3:01 PM · DayZ
Sentry added a comment to T86710: No servers showing at all.

Still stuck on this, despite having the tab on internet and ping set high... Can anyone help?

May 10 2016, 2:34 PM · DayZ
Sentry added a comment to T86523: Servers do not show up.

Alright, mine is up too. Thanks man.

May 10 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
Sentry added a comment to T86523: Servers do not show up.

Nova, how did you find the files? I only have the map and rpt too.

May 10 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
Sentry added a comment to T86523: Servers do not show up.

I've tried all that and nothing shows up in history or favorites despite playing recent servers. What I suggest though is open steam Dayz group chat and join a game off someone in there (there's usually heaps).

May 10 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
Sentry added a comment to T86523: Servers do not show up.

Absolutely agree with foosius. I don't mind the bugs and all that, we know what we brought but as it stands I can't play the game, and haven't been able to join a server since since release.
Note for those with the same issue, you can join games via your steam friends.

May 10 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ
Sentry added a comment to T86523: Servers do not show up.

Komin, I have this issue too although even with Internet tab selected and a range of other things tried (ping settings, reinstall ect). So I have yet to cbe able to join a server.

May 10 2016, 1:50 PM · DayZ