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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 9:04 PM (587 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Safire set Category to category:structures on T90198: Walking throught textures (big problem in tenement buildings and wrecked ship !).
Safire set Category to category:errormessage on T89661: Cant load your character, contact server administrator..
Safire set Category to category:environment on T89420: Texture collision problem - Krutoy cap, you can walk into rocks.
Safire set Category to category:structures on T89410: Wrecked Ship - Rify - Walking throught walls..
Safire added a comment to T89220: Item disappear when it is dropped outside..
Sometimes you must to wait for them to appear, its because of server lag or something, if youre droping items upstairs, sometime they will apear downstairs. Hope this helps.
Safire edited Steps To Reproduce on T88429: Zub Castle - Death Pit (missing ground texture, see screenshots).
Safire set Category to category:balancing on T88250: Combat logging/ Server Hopping.
Safire edited Steps To Reproduce on T87950: Portable Gas Lamp not working in Hands (switching if on, but no efect).
Safire added a comment to T86615: You Are Unconcious... Forever [PRIMARY REPORT].
Happened to me 2x today, was lucky to have my friend to keep my gear, it must to be very annoying if youre playing alone tho. Must to be fixed ASAP.