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- User Since
- Oct 25 2013, 12:15 PM (586 w, 23 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Richie72 edited Steps To Reproduce on T75542: 3D Vision is getting better but not quite there..
Richie72 added a comment to T63925: Does not work with NVIDIA 3d Vision.
Now works to a degree with 3D vision if you change the profile to metro 2033 in Nvidia inspector (kept getting NVidia driver 334.67 stopped working when keeping Arma3 profile) Most of the foreground has proper textures on except trees and bushes that remain blue. And with Depth set higher the background trees and bushes are doubled (ie not in correct depth)See uploaded pics,Arma307 is with low depth and 308 is with high depth where the distant trees and bushes are doubled.