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Radibor78 (Gunnar)


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User Since
Oct 12 2016, 10:03 AM (440 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Oct 26 2016

Radibor78 added a comment to T118424: Running over a Taloon backpack with a vehicle will destroy/crash your vehicle.

v0.60. This happens always for all kind of small items, too. Sharpened Stick, Rags, Spark Plug, etc. Especially annoying if it is a small items like the sharpenend stick, spark plug etc. that you don't see on the street while driving towards it.
The car will not just be stopped but totally crashed/shredded. Doors get ruined and fall off, tires are ruined, battery and spark plug are ruined. And even if you replace tires, battery and spark plug the engine won't start anymore.

Oct 26 2016, 10:00 AM · DayZ
Radibor78 added a comment to T117219: Inventory items on the ground stop cars instantly.

This happens always for all kind of small items. Sharpened Stick, Rags, Spark Plug, etc. Especially annoying if it is a small items like the sharpenend stick, spark plug etc. that you don't see on the street while driving towards it.
The car will not just be stopped but totally crashed/shredded. Doors get ruined and fall off, tires are ruined, battery and spark plug are ruined. And even if you replace tires, battery and spark plug the engine won't start anymore.

Oct 26 2016, 9:57 AM · DayZ

Oct 19 2016

Radibor78 created T120617: Melee weapons disappear from quick slot after log off/log on cycle (0.60).
Oct 19 2016, 11:57 AM · DayZ
Radibor78 created T120615: Sometimes repaired car does not move with engine running (0.60).
Oct 19 2016, 10:40 AM · DayZ

Oct 12 2016

Radibor78 added a comment to T117443: Writing on Papers; Duplicating Messages.

I had similar experiences:

Oct 12 2016, 10:09 AM · DayZ