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PedroJogaMuito (Pedro)


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User Since
May 19 2022, 6:03 AM (135 w, 13 h)

Recent Activity

Jun 24 2022

PedroJogaMuito added a comment to T166190: Brazilian servers down since monday .

Hey Geez, thank you for the fast response and for the attention, i must tell you that i play DayZ with alot of different players and different clans and theres a rumour that some of the community server admins sometimes are sending DDoS attacks on official brazilian servers to annoy players with lag and crashes making this players to migrate to their own servers, they buy on the internet a ddos ​​attack panel for 20 dollars and harm everyone who wants to play on the official servers for their own profit with vip queue sales, items and other things, I'm not against the ways an administrator can get money to maintain a server , but those from the Brazilian community are crossing the line when they attack the official servers, well I just wanted to say that so you guys are aware of this type of problem, thank you/obrigado!!!!!

Jun 24 2022, 10:52 AM · DayZ
PedroJogaMuito created T166190: Brazilian servers down since monday .
Jun 24 2022, 6:30 AM · DayZ