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User Since
Feb 23 2014, 3:01 PM (576 w, 7 h)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Outlander added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

It should be noted that players outside of a certain distance, ca 2km, are not able to hear eachother either, on the custom radio channels.

This counts for players spawning in at a distance, as well as players spawning close to eachother, then moving away until they reach the apparent max distance from eachother.

This only affects voicechat. As with the vehicle issue, textchat still works as it should.

I uploaded another test mission (OUT_radioTest_02.Altis.pbo) wich will allow for testing this aswell.

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3