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Mar 7 2013, 11:11 PM (624 w, 1 d)

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May 9 2016

Omnidon added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

In reference to Surge72's objection related to Planetside 2:
That issue is easily avoided. The problem that Planetside 2 had with its shooting dynamic was due to the fact that it would automatically adjust the aim regardless of whether the user had manually changed the point of aim.

The most basic fix for that would be to have the game simply assume that any mouse movement is a change to the intended direction of aim and cancel the so-called "compensation", even if that happens to leave the gun pointing up into the sky, which would resemble the current dynamic in that circumstance. While I would not particularly like that workaround, it would be tolerable.

Alternatively, one could simply subtract the manual adjustments to aim from the so-called "compensation", so that after the mouse button is released, it does not adjust your aim downwards farther than the approximate point you started at. That would be my preferred method.

Of course, one thing that all of the negative posters here seem to have neglected is that there is nothing stopping the developers from adding an option to the gameplay preferences toggling the "recoil compensation" on or off. What I am talking about wouldn't help people "cheat", so one can always make it optional. I just feel it's extremely important to have that option available.

Either way, the video you linked highlights one of the major issues with attempting to simulate infantry combat with a mouse. The mouse allows gamers to manually compensate for recoil in a way that a real person could never do. Real people can't fire an unbraced rifle on full auto while standing and still shoot accurately, which is why most of the world's militaries favor tactics involving semi-automatic or burst fire at medium ranges. However, it is exactly those tactics that are discouraged by the current recoil model.

What I am asking for is the ability to have methodical sustained semi-automatic or burst fire at medium to long ranges with only the need for minor adjustments to the aim after each shot, as long as one pauses a sufficient duration between shots.

As someone else pointed out, this is supposed to be a simulator, and yet the semi-automatic shooting dynamics are currently less realistic than many arcade-style shooters I've played.

May 9 2016, 9:58 PM · Arma 3
Omnidon added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

This is NOT a duplicate of the above mentioned issue (0000599).

As I explained above, I am NOT objecting to the *amount* of recoil in the game. The *amount* of recoil is just fine in my opinion.

I am saying that the game mechanic for handling the reset of the aim after the recoil is unrealistic. This is a completely separate issue and should be brought to the developers' attention.

May 9 2016, 9:58 PM · Arma 3
Omnidon added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

I am not saying that the recoil is too high (which is what those other issues are about).

I am saying that the game mechanic for the recoil is not properly implemented. I'm fine with the current *amount* of recoil, but the aim needs to reset to the same approximate direction after each shot.

May 9 2016, 9:58 PM · Arma 3
Omnidon edited Steps To Reproduce on T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.
May 9 2016, 9:58 PM · Arma 3