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- User Since
- Apr 15 2014, 10:53 AM (566 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Nitradonet added a comment to T83826: Crash after open the I-Inventory.
We have started the server without the maxmem parameter and its still crashing by opening the inventory with "I".
Nitradonet added a comment to T76745: Can't call #missions no more.
Allright - i have uploaded the folder again with a better name :)
Sorry! :)
Nitradonet added a comment to T76745: Can't call #missions no more.
Many customers which have rented an ArmA 3 server report this issue.
Crash Dumps were not created.
We have only rpt and bidmp files. I have uploaded the files (
If you need some more information, please tell me.
Nitradonet added a comment to T76745: Can't call #missions no more.
I can create a new ticket - but it is the same issue as A3D has reported. If the command "#mission" will be executed, the server freezes. So should i create a new ticket or is this a duplicate report? :)