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- User Since
- Jan 5 2014, 10:22 AM (574 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
MrSammers added a comment to T92088: Terrible Frame Rate (Unplayable-Refund?).
What the hell do I care if you down vote my topic in a dayz forum? Why is everybody getting so damn mad about this shit. One person was actually helpfull, the rest of you just came in to waste your time.
MrSammers added a comment to T92088: Terrible Frame Rate (Unplayable-Refund?).
I feel your pain. My PC may be prebuilt but it runs anything i throw at it just fine. I'm not a genius with computers but I can see patterns. The only 2 games I've had frame rate issues are Dayz and Infestation, I think Guyver1 and spin7ion are right about it not being optimized.
MrSammers set Category to category:performance on T92088: Terrible Frame Rate (Unplayable-Refund?).