User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Jun 4 2015, 3:41 AM (512 w, 2 d)
Jun 17 2016
Jun 17 2016
MrPieBSc added a comment to T118101: Game re-opens on secondary monitor.
Hi Geez,
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
MrPieBSc edited Steps To Reproduce on T114142: Gorka helmet will take on the damage status of a visor..
MrPieBSc edited Steps To Reproduce on T111768: Character does not run vault despite running. Steps over fence, crouches and then pulls out invisible gun.
MrPieBSc edited Steps To Reproduce on T111534: Vaulting on the higher platform will cause you to sink in and walk through all meshes on the platform.
MrPieBSc added a comment to T111524: Launch the game and Crash to desktop with an application error message.
Reverted to stable and played for an hour without any crashes. Might be the current exp?
MrPieBSc set Category to category:errormessage on T111524: Launch the game and Crash to desktop with an application error message.