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- User Since
- Oct 22 2023, 1:10 PM (71 w, 2 d)
Oct 27 2023
Oct 27 2023
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
Oct 25 2023
Oct 25 2023
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 added a comment to T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
Yes, that's a good idea actually. I would also like to keep the full functionality of the controls. I will edit these points into brackets and will mark them as sketches. My only thinking for disabling leaning in FPP point-shooting is that the player could be trapped in the point-shooting mode when encountering an enemy. I thought pressing L3 would be intuitive. On the other hand one would develop muscle memory for toggling L2 to cancel point-shooting. It's difficult to tell without testing.
Concerning changing perspective, maybe holding L1 + pressing up on the D-pad in neutral stance could feel good. This way players could change perspective on the fly in game.
Oct 24 2023
Oct 24 2023
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 updated the task description for T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 renamed T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ from Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" for console DayZ to Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Additional Information on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
Oct 23 2023
Oct 23 2023
MrJP101 edited Steps To Reproduce on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
Oct 22 2023
Oct 22 2023
MrJP101 edited Steps To Reproduce on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 updated the task description for T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.
MrJP101 edited Steps To Reproduce on T176451: Implementation of new "CQC-control-scheme" both for FPP and TPP for console DayZ.