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- User Since
- Jul 24 2015, 8:24 PM (504 w, 4 d)
Jun 8 2016
Jun 8 2016
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
MrGrombles edited Steps To Reproduce on T84307: Incoming AA missile warning barely audible in Jet's.
MrGrombles added a comment to T83317: Bugged view whilst using TrackIR and entering vechicles.
Just a thank you for attending to this issue in such a speedy manner!
MrGrombles added a comment to T83317: Bugged view whilst using TrackIR and entering vechicles.
I am also running version 5.2.200 and the latest arma version on steam.
This issue started since the latest Arma patch (previous to the hotfix)
MrGrombles added a comment to T83317: Bugged view whilst using TrackIR and entering vechicles.
Just tried this on the steam Dev build and the issue was still live. Shall try and talk to some other TrackIR users and see if they have the same issue.
MrGrombles edited Steps To Reproduce on T83317: Bugged view whilst using TrackIR and entering vechicles.