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User Since
Dec 21 2013, 3:44 AM (588 w, 21 m)

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May 10 2016

MrCr33p3rKill3r added a comment to T88801: start game screen goes black and says error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine.

I feel ya Krux. I bought the game on release day and have yet to play it since :/ Hopefully a fix is found soon!

May 10 2016, 4:34 PM · DayZ
MrCr33p3rKill3r added a comment to T88801: start game screen goes black and says error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine.

I am having the same issue myself, have done the same things you have and everything is fine for me. Hopefully we can find a fix

May 10 2016, 4:34 PM · DayZ