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Aug 30 2015, 3:38 AM (495 w, 13 h)

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May 11 2016

LordRonin set Category to category:environment on T113752: V3S stucks on some little structures along the road, screenshot attached.
May 11 2016, 7:07 AM · DayZ
LordRonin added a comment to T113751: Truck looses fuel if manipulated with wheels.

This works a little different, just tried to smash v3s into a tree. Ruined front wheels. Stoped engine and left. Came back in 20 minutes, and it still had fuel and engine started. Took one front wheel away, tried to start and no effect. Fueled a jerry can, engine started, took second wheel, and it didnt start again

May 11 2016, 7:07 AM · DayZ
LordRonin added a comment to T113751: Truck looses fuel if manipulated with wheels.

With truck from Lopatino drove to kamenka, refueled. Drove to gas station west from Electrozavodsk refueled 1 can, no more available. Stopped by police station in Electro. Decided to test wheel repairing kit. Repaired all wheels. Engine didn't start. Run back to gas station with jerry can. Refueled truck and drove back straight to gas station west from Elektrozavodsk, didn't make it, engine stopped. One more jerry on foot. Got to gas station, poured 7 jerry cans. That was enough to pass Balota

May 11 2016, 7:07 AM · DayZ
LordRonin edited Steps To Reproduce on T113751: Truck looses fuel if manipulated with wheels.
May 11 2016, 7:07 AM · DayZ
LordRonin edited Additional Information on T113748: Car tent does not fit into truck.
May 11 2016, 7:07 AM · DayZ
LordRonin edited Steps To Reproduce on T113747: Players are being stuck if log out in this houses.
May 11 2016, 7:07 AM · DayZ
LordRonin added a comment to T113738: Weapon - MP5K missing suppressor.

There exists suppressor for MP5K. 0.58 stable. Right now have one. It can be found in police cars

May 11 2016, 7:07 AM · DayZ