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- Aug 1 2013, 11:25 PM (607 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Liral added a comment to T70596: Game crashes on MP Loading screen.
Will try this after work and see what happens! However i've had this problem occur once on the editor too.
Liral added a comment to T70596: Game crashes on MP Loading screen.
Any update on this? Very frustrating not being able to play a game without crashing 36 times...
Liral added a comment to T70596: Game crashes on MP Loading screen.
So i tried that and it worked, but i still can join Battleeye servers afterwards?
Liral added a comment to T70596: Game crashes on MP Loading screen.
Here is a new report which i noticed includes the .mdpm:
Liral added a comment to T70596: Game crashes on MP Loading screen.
Here is the bidmp:
however with all of the crashes the mdpm file is 0 bytes.
Liral edited Steps To Reproduce on T70596: Game crashes on MP Loading screen.