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- User Since
- Apr 4 2019, 11:13 PM (309 w, 8 h)
Jun 27 2019
Jun 26 2019
May 22 2019
Doing so WOULD disable the current duping process, which involves joining another server via invite to circumvent the 15 second logout timer (and saving of player inventory) to trick the server into duplicating items.
Apr 5 2019
I think they care. As a longtime fan, and a former PC Player, I have loved this game for years. However, it is a common sentiment among most of the xbox players I've asked that BI doesn't care. I hope they actually consider this as a solution.
Apr 4 2019
Bohemia Interactive, not fixing this issue will significantly hurt what reputation you do have with us console players in the long run. Nobody I have asked that plays this in console believes you care about this, and a number of my friends have left this game because the supers have all the loot and do not have to work for it. Please, fix it.