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- User Since
- Feb 5 2016, 2:51 AM (474 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Kresjah added a comment to T86302: getMissionConfigValue returns a hash instead of value.
My apologies. I honestly missed out on that. I have misinterpreted the command then.
Kresjah added a comment to T86302: getMissionConfigValue returns a hash instead of value.
Does this then imply that getMissionConfigValue can not access subclasses, and as such is not a replacement for using getNumber/getText/getArray along with missionConfigFile/getMissionConfig? Or does this require a special syntax?
Kresjah edited Steps To Reproduce on T86302: getMissionConfigValue returns a hash instead of value.
Kresjah edited Steps To Reproduce on T86300: getMissionConfigValue returns a hash instead of value.
Kresjah edited Steps To Reproduce on T86144: Position coordinates in Eden does not match in-game (and setPos) coordinates for some objects..