User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Nov 18 2016, 2:36 AM (433 w, 5 d)
Nov 21 2016
Nov 21 2016
Keyboardwarrior1992 edited Additional Information on T121452: Can't hear the distance shoots anymore? .
Keyboardwarrior1992 updated the task description for T121452: Can't hear the distance shoots anymore? .
Keyboardwarrior1992 set Operating System Version to Latest on T121452: Can't hear the distance shoots anymore? .
Keyboardwarrior1992 added a comment to T121452: Can't hear the distance shoots anymore? .
Keyboardwarrior1992 changed Reproducibility from reproducibility:none to reproducibility:always on T121452: Can't hear the distance shoots anymore? .
Nov 20 2016
Nov 20 2016
Keyboardwarrior1992 updated the task description for T121452: Can't hear the distance shoots anymore? .
Nov 18 2016
Nov 18 2016