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- User Since
- Jun 21 2015, 3:13 AM (507 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I'm sorry for making mad. My bad. I didn't want to be rude.
You talked about incompatibility AiA and CUP updates but the main question was what the reason of that incompatibility and how to fix it.
Thank you for link to CUP TP Release Candidate. I made several tests with it. And issue looks to be fixed with CUP TP.
I tried to replace AiA TP to CUP TP, but it didn't help. The old SMD Sahrani A3 island crashes the game anyway. So the cause is not in AiA but in island itself.
But with new CUP Sahrani island I can't reproduce this issue. So it looks like the issue was fixed. We need to make more tests. But for now the ticket might be closed.
Ok. You don't have any useful info about this issue. And CUP team even doesn't know about this issue. And CUP terrains release is not planned yet. And you advised us to wait for CUP update, did you?
May be it would be better if BI said what cause this issue and how to fix it. And why it was working before 1.50 and since 1.50 it doesn't. And then I will go to CUP team and talk to them about this issue or fix it with my own.
I have done a lot of work to find out the cause of this issue. I tried a lot of things. And I suspect that it's related to memory allocation. How CUP team can fix memory allocation? I just want to hear a word from BI about this issue.
Do they (CUP team) already know what the cause and how to fix this issue?
The same issue here:
Reproducibility 100%.
True. It would be the greatest config feature ever.
BI, please consider to add this feature.
It's very important for island makers.
This command is the only way to make all islands compatible with each other.
Island maker must override (instead of appending) global vehicle classes to add his own dust effects for his terrain.
So end users can't properly use several islands simultaneously because every island override dust effects of all other islands.
More info can be found here: