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User Since
Feb 22 2014, 7:06 PM (576 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Junnit added a comment to T95370: Servers are bombarding router with UDP packets once the server list is requested causing a DOS.

As the duplicates are closed, it may be useful to note in this thread that other users have had succes by disabling the firewall of their modem/router (which would mainly be the anti DDOS functionality that you are switching off...).

Furthermore, we are especially experiencing this after I turned on the IP Flood Detection on the firewall of my modem. So before switching the firewall off entirely, switch off IP Flood Detection first to see if that helps.

We now have one person looking for a server, and after joining, have the other one look in the friends tab to join, so we don't flood it entirely.

May 10 2016, 8:28 PM · DayZ
Junnit added a comment to T94075: Major synchromization issues, lags after insreting many backpack inside other..

You can still do backpack inception in .43, you just need to switch a full backpack with an empty one. Then double click the full one that is laying on the ground and it will go into the empty one on your back.

May 10 2016, 7:41 PM · DayZ