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- User Since
- Aug 3 2021, 11:45 PM (190 w, 10 h)
Aug 3 2021
Aug 3 2021
Jackyd95 added a comment to T160037: player despawn .
so me and my friend came across a group of 4 players. I died and was running back to my previous dead body to get my stuff back. my friend killed the last guy and as soon as he killed him just after, the server went down. so i lost all the items i had as dead bodys disapear when server resets. can you please make it so dead bodys are still there after a reset? i was very close to getting my stuff back and then boom all gone into thin air. can you make it so dead bodys have a 30 minute decompose timer then they dissapear? even through= a reset? things players drop are still there after a reset so why not bodys?
Jackyd95 created T160037: player despawn .