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ForcefulChaos (ForcefulChaos)


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User Since
May 27 2016, 1:25 PM (457 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 30 2016

ForcefulChaos created T118951: CrossHair on screen is not in sync with game's imaginary crosshair.
Jun 30 2016, 6:18 PM · DayZ

Jun 3 2016

ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117085: 0.60 When locking door with lockpick the icon when facing door is an opened door instead of a closed door icon.

its all buildings last time I noticed the issue was in a shack but I am 100% sure its for all buildings

Jun 3 2016, 6:40 PM · DayZ

Jun 2 2016

ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117088: Weapons disappearing then unable to equip new weapon to back.

can you rename it to "Weapons disappearing then unable to equip new weapon to back" so it gets fixed quicker since my title says what the problem is and what is happening and its pretty serious.

Jun 2 2016, 10:42 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos merged T117096: Weapons disappearing then unable to equip new weapon to back into T117088: Weapons disappearing then unable to equip new weapon to back.
Jun 2 2016, 10:40 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos merged task T117096: Weapons disappearing then unable to equip new weapon to back into T117088: Weapons disappearing then unable to equip new weapon to back.
Jun 2 2016, 10:40 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117113: Hunger is taken away (Sometimes if not always) when drinking pipsi or some other kind of drink then it comes back (Either naturally or because it was hidden when drinking).
Jun 2 2016, 10:38 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos renamed T117112: 0.60 Either my friend cant see my laser on the wall from my gun < Bug or I have the lazer outside my scope + Laser glitched from 0.60 Either my friend cant see my laser on the wall on my gun < Bug or I have the lazer outside my scope + Laser glitched to 0.60 Either my friend cant see my laser on the wall from my gun < Bug or I have the lazer outside my scope + Laser glitched.
Jun 2 2016, 10:34 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117112: 0.60 Either my friend cant see my laser on the wall from my gun < Bug or I have the lazer outside my scope + Laser glitched.
Jun 2 2016, 10:33 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117080: Gun vanished after using Drink All.

This happened to my friend ( I am 99% sure) but he might of just clicked Drink once instead of Drink All

Jun 2 2016, 10:11 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117102: AKM and mag doesnt attach.

What does an AKM mag look like. You might of gotten the wrong mag.

Jun 2 2016, 10:09 AM · DayZ

Jun 1 2016

ForcefulChaos created T117098: supplies not spawning in cloth's in military base/s as well as guns arent spawning with attachments 0.60.
Jun 1 2016, 11:38 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117096: Weapons disappearing then unable to equip new weapon to back.
Jun 1 2016, 11:08 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117095: Leaned back on a m4 scope.
Jun 1 2016, 11:02 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117085: 0.60 When locking door with lockpick the icon when facing door is an opened door instead of a closed door icon.
Jun 1 2016, 8:42 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117023: Attaching pristine parts to damaged plate carrier, makes them damaged upon detachment. 0.59 BUG MIGHT OF BEEN CARRIED OVER TO 0.60 + Character's eyes turn black.. at night time (on a female at least) the eyes turn black

Jun 1 2016, 5:26 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117055: Unable to jump in 1st person only.
Jun 1 2016, 5:14 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117054: Unable to lay down while fists are up nor crouch.
Jun 1 2016, 5:10 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117051: Filling up water bottle with gasoline from a gasoline stand makes it think its water.

But I did get a sick status

Jun 1 2016, 4:27 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117051: Filling up water bottle with gasoline from a gasoline stand makes it think its water.
Jun 1 2016, 4:25 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117050: Character lays on ground when drinking disinfected spray or water bottle.


Jun 1 2016, 4:22 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117050: Character lays on ground when drinking disinfected spray or water bottle.
Jun 1 2016, 4:22 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117048: No sound while in car.
Jun 1 2016, 4:06 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117046: When a player is killed they have the option to hide their body which prevents players from looting.
Jun 1 2016, 4:01 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117036: Bugged animations / switching to items functions / unable to switch hats when new hat is in inventory.

To switch between hats I need to drag my new hat to my old hat and click swap instead of just moving my new hat onto the character

Jun 1 2016, 3:48 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117041: Unable to put axe on back when dragging it to a empty spot.

Now its working but it didnt work when I killed someone and dragged it from their inventory to mine so that may be the case

Jun 1 2016, 3:27 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117041: Unable to put axe on back when dragging it to a empty spot.
Jun 1 2016, 3:26 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117040: Change options when in front of a ladder to Climb up when your at the bottom and climb down when your at the top.
Jun 1 2016, 3:17 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117036: Bugged animations / switching to items functions / unable to switch hats when new hat is in inventory.

also if you drag something in your hands while running it doesnt automatically pull out the thing that you dragged into your hands. you need to stop in order for the thing that you dragged to show up if it doesnt show up you have to press space

Jun 1 2016, 3:13 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117039: There is sun light reflection on the ground when there are clouds / almost raining.
Jun 1 2016, 3:09 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117038: Character doesnt stick knife in his throat animation..
Jun 1 2016, 3:05 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117037: Spawn rate should be increased / added animal for food / make rain deposits drinkable..
Jun 1 2016, 3:03 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117027: House walls bug.

Instead of saying "that" you should screenshot the building where the problem is present

Jun 1 2016, 2:59 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117036: Bugged animations / switching to items functions / unable to switch hats when new hat is in inventory.
Jun 1 2016, 2:56 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T117031: Random Thunder 0.60.

Just saw thunder volt in the distance (Day time)

Jun 1 2016, 2:33 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117031: Random Thunder 0.60.
Jun 1 2016, 2:32 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117029: Pressing keys simultaneously doesnt do anything, Cant press 1 to take out my weapon while running < holding W 0.60.
Jun 1 2016, 2:26 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T117023: Attaching pristine parts to damaged plate carrier, makes them damaged upon detachment. 0.59 BUG MIGHT OF BEEN CARRIED OVER TO 0.60 + Character's eyes turn black..
Jun 1 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116998: Stuck in dead position after pressing G to throw away my T-Shirt unable to respawn / stuck.

I was able to revive myself because I clicked drink on my sprite can... lol no need to kill me now but its a bug

Jun 1 2016, 8:26 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T116998: Stuck in dead position after pressing G to throw away my T-Shirt unable to respawn / stuck.
Jun 1 2016, 8:24 AM · DayZ

May 31 2016

ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116897: 0.60 EXP constant connection failed.

if you havent noticed this is a bug tracker, if you need help go to the forums of dayz not bug tracker.

May 31 2016, 7:13 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos changed Category from category:general to category:serverbrowsersteam on T116907: Server Browser tab stops showing servers after refreshing 10ish+ times .
May 31 2016, 7:03 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T116907: Server Browser tab stops showing servers after refreshing 10ish+ times .
May 31 2016, 7:02 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116897: 0.60 EXP constant connection failed.
May 31 2016, 6:55 PM · DayZ

May 30 2016

ForcefulChaos updated the task description for T116841: I think donkeys / Horses / fake bushes, should be added.
May 30 2016, 11:14 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos updated the task description for T116841: I think donkeys / Horses / fake bushes, should be added.
May 30 2016, 11:12 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T116841: I think donkeys / Horses / fake bushes, should be added.
May 30 2016, 11:12 AM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116808: Game freezes every 3 seconds for 1-2 seconds.

Alright, all my drivers are up to date, the only solution I found is luck and "spam" moving your mouse and randomly stoping before the Dayz image appears and then move it like an inch stop, then make extremely small movements and if you move it at the right time you will be hovering over continue without it freezing, I am pretty sure 0.60 had this issue as well.

May 30 2016, 10:36 AM · DayZ

May 29 2016

ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116808: Game freezes every 3 seconds for 1-2 seconds.

I found out that if I move my mouse non-stop stop move it stop and move it, if I get lucky, its almost as if the game is glitched and cant sync up with the mouse and then it just lags, this method worked 2 times for me already

May 29 2016, 9:22 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116828: Why walk up hills?.

I agree, it's silly to reduce to a walking step whilst running up a hill.

May 29 2016, 8:34 PM · DayZ

May 28 2016

ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116808: Game freezes every 3 seconds for 1-2 seconds.

Are you going to fix it ??

May 28 2016, 11:11 PM · DayZ

May 27 2016

ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116808: Game freezes every 3 seconds for 1-2 seconds.

I turned on Steam's fps counter while I was spazzing out with my mouse and then stopping really fast I saw that the fps dropped to 4 fps from 40ish or to 10 from 40 fps everything is fine when I dont move my mouse 45 fps. everything goes bad when I move my mouse everything freezes fps goes down to 4 fps

May 27 2016, 4:26 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116808: Game freezes every 3 seconds for 1-2 seconds.

doesnt even work if I update and downgrade the version of the game. if I move the mouse really fast without stopping it the whole background freezes and the sound keeps playing as usual

May 27 2016, 2:05 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos added a comment to T116808: Game freezes every 3 seconds for 1-2 seconds.

Well what I said about the media player thing didnt work I will try to update the game to 0.60 then downgrade to 0.59

May 27 2016, 1:46 PM · DayZ
ForcefulChaos created T116808: Game freezes every 3 seconds for 1-2 seconds.
May 27 2016, 1:40 PM · DayZ