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- User Since
- Aug 27 2015, 10:01 AM (500 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
FiggieG set Category to category:weapons on T113630: Ammo randomly disappearing from weapon.
FiggieG added a comment to T113628: Character died from Hypothermia with no prior status messages or warnings.
Yes exactly that! Thank you Darcion (not just me being unlucky then!)
FiggieG set Category to category:characters on T113628: Character died from Hypothermia with no prior status messages or warnings.
FiggieG set Category to category:items on T113627: Fires in houses makes the screen go black when facing the fire.
FiggieG set Category to category:inventory on T113625: Improvised stone knife duping when in inventory.
FiggieG edited Steps To Reproduce on T113624: Tactical bacon disappearing when opening with improvised stone knife.
FiggieG edited Steps To Reproduce on T113623: Spraypainting Mosin with black spray paint crashed game.