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- User Since
- Feb 6 2015, 7:21 PM (526 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Evanescence1580 set Category to category:server on T113994: Banned from a server.
Evanescence1580 added a comment to T109893: Keep getting message saying ""Windows cannot access the specified devices,path or file. You may not have appropriate permission".
Disregard this error message, I have fixed it and DayZ works now.
Evanescence1580 set Category to category:errormessage on T109893: Keep getting message saying ""Windows cannot access the specified devices,path or file. You may not have appropriate permission".
Evanescence1580 set Category to category:sound on T109560: When playing 1st person/hardcore for us old timers the noise of the breathing is too loud.
Evanescence1580 set Category to category:gamecrash on T108481: Game keeps crashing after about 45 minutes.